Burlapper Burlap Garden Fabric features imperfections, such as fabric runs, dye spots, seams, and more, which arose during the manufacturing process. It may have reinforced rope edges that reduce the width by about 1 inch on each side. This garden fabric is ideal for home and garden projects where practicality is prioritized over aesthetics!
10 oz Burlap Fabric is Ideal for Weed Barrier, Erosion Control, Wind and Shade Screen, Protecting Root Balls and Plants!
*40 Inch Wide x 15 Foot Long (5 yards / 3.67 meters) Burlapper Garden Fabric is Eco-friendly, Biodegradable, and Made of 100% Natural Jute * May have reenforced roped edges which takes approximately 1" off either side.
Get the Coverage you Need (50 Square Feet) for your Project while Saving Money with Burlapper Garden Fabric.
Cut to Size at U.S. based, 100-year Old Family Operated Mill Ensures Accurate Sizing and Straight Cuts. The 40 Inch Wide Burlap Includes Straight Factory Edges.
Burlap Garden Fabric for Gardeners (40 x 15', Natural)
Burlapper Burlap Garden Fabric features imperfections, such as fabric runs, dye spots, seams, and more, which arose during the manufacturing process. It may have reinforced rope edges that reduce the width by about 1 inch on each side. This garden fabric is ideal for home and garden projects where practicality is prioritized over aesthetics!
10 oz Burlap Fabric is Ideal for Weed Barrier, Erosion Control, Wind and Shade Screen, Protecting Root Balls and Plants!
*40 Inch Wide x 15 Foot Long (5 yards / 3.67 meters) Burlapper Garden Fabric is Eco-friendly, Biodegradable, and Made of 100% Natural Jute * May have reenforced roped edges which takes approximately 1" off either side.
Get the Coverage you Need (50 Square Feet) for your Project while Saving Money with Burlapper Garden Fabric.
Cut to Size at U.S. based, 100-year Old Family Operated Mill Ensures Accurate Sizing and Straight Cuts. The 40 Inch Wide Burlap Includes Straight Factory Edges.